In these days and times, you have to be extra careful of burgulars and con artist. Here are some tips on keeping you and your family safe, especially during the holiday season:
1 When coming into your home, have your keys ready! Do not go looking and fumbling around for your keys when your at your property. This may lead to a push in.
2.If possible,have motion security lights in the front and back of house. (Especially the front so you can see what your doing as well as who and what is in your immediate area/surroundings.)
3. If someone rings your bell,check to see who or what is at your door. (go to the window first or look through your door's peep hole to see who is at your door first before inquiring/allowing entry.)
4. Always ask service companies who are at your door to show you their ID's before you let them in. (example: Con Ed, Police Officer, or any other contractors(private and public)/city worker to show ID. There are people out here who is out to do harm/scam us.Especially people who say they're from the census bureau and those saying they can lower you electric bill.)
5, Check all locks on window guards, gates, cellar doors, roof hatches, etc to make sure they are working properly and are secure.If your having problems, call a ironworker/welder to fix any problems that you feel are needed.
6 If you are going away on a trip, make sure to have some one pick up your mail so that potential
burglars will not know you are away from your home or try to perform identity thef on you.
7 If possible,put a timer system on your lights when your going on vacation or just away for a long period of time so that it would appear that someone is home.
Hopefully this would keep you and your family safe and aware.
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